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JavaScript testing standards

One imperfect test is better than no test at all.

Main benefits

  • Consistent approach to writing tests
  • Best practices shown through examples
  • Consistent formatting

Best practices

  • Test files should be added to __tests__ folder in component root directory
  • Naming of the test file should look like component-name.js
  • Use fixture folder for images, icons or any additional resources needed for testing
  • Use testing-helpers functions located in packages/testing/testing-helpers/index.js
  • Use component schema to test schema props
  • Create tests for all known use cases
  • After fixing a bug, create test to prevent that from happening again

What type of test we have

  1. JEST
    • Unit test
    • Smoke test
    • Integration test
    • VRT test
    • Cross browser test
    • E2E test
    • Cross browser test
    • Functionality test

How to run tests

All commands must be run from the root directory of your Bolt project.

  1. All tests
    • yarn test
  2. All Jest tests
    • yarn test:js
  3. Specific Jest test
    • npx jest 'path-to-test-file' or npx jest test-file-name or yarn jest test-file-name
    • example: npx jest packages/components/bolt-button/__tests__/button.js or npx jest button.js or yarn jest button.js
  4. E2E full/quick tests live site
    • Full: yarn test:e2e:full-live
    • Quick: yarn test:e2e:quick-live
  5. E2E full/quick tests local
    • Full: yarn test:e2e:full-local
    • Quick: yarn test:e2e:quick-local
  6. E2E full/quick tests master branch
    • Full: yarn test:e2e:full-master
    • Quick: yarn test:e2e:quick-master
  7. E2E specific test locally
    • NOW_URL='url-for-test' ./node_modules/.bin/nightwatch --config 'path-to-config' --env 'brwosers-list' --test 'path-to-e2e-test-file'
    • Example: NOW_URL=http://localhost:3000 ./node_modules/.bin/nightwatch --config packages/testing/testing-nightwatch/nightwatch.local.js --env chrome,safari --test packages/components/bolt-accordion/__tests__/accordion.e2e.js

Note: To run E2E local test you must first "watch" Bolt files by launching: yarn start.
Note 2: Monorepo test will fail if you have not yet compiled Bolt at least once.

Jest examples

How to create basic test

test('Basic usage', async () => {
  const results = await render('@bolt-components-button/button.twig', {
    text: 'This is a button',

How to create string prop test

const { size } =;

size.enum.forEach(async sizeChoice => {
  test(`Button tag: ${sizeChoice}`, async () => {
    const results = await render('@bolt-components-button/button.twig', {
      text: 'This is a button',
      size: sizeChoice,

How to create boolean prop test

test('Button with "disabled" attribute', async () => {
  const results = await render('@bolt-components-button/button.twig', {
    text: 'This is a button',
    disabled: true,

How to create nested components / string rendering test

test('<bolt-ol>with nested <bolt-ul> list', async () => {
  const results = await renderString(`
    {% include '@bolt-components-ol/ol.twig' with {
      items: [
        'Do not include any data or information in your posts that are confidential!',
        'Apply basic practices for collaborative work.',
        'Be honest, respectful, trustworthy and helpful.',
        'Answer questions authoritatively and concisely. Avoid cluttering discussions with noise.',
          'Answer questions authoritatively and concisely.',
          include('@bolt-components-ul/ul.twig', {
            items: [
              'Item 1',
              'Item 2',
              'Item 3',
              'Item 4'
    } %}

How to create breakpoint/viewport test

const viewportSizes = [
    size: 'xlarge',
    width: 1920,
    height: 1080,
    size: 'large',
    width: 1024,
    height: 768,
    size: 'medium',
    width: 896,
    height: 414,
    size: 'small',
    width: 320,
    height: 568,

  '<bolt-navbar> with 6 lengthy links',
  async () => {
    const { html, ok } = await render('@bolt-components-navbar/navbar.twig', {
      title: {
        tag: 'h2',
        text: 'Navbar with links',
        icon: {
          name: 'marketing-gray',
      links: [
          text: 'Real-Time AI',
          url: '#!',
          text: 'End-to-end Automation',
          url: '#!',
          text: 'Journey-centric Delivery',
          url: '#!',
          text: 'Low Code',
          url: '#!',
          text: 'Multi-dimensional Power',
          url: '#!',
          text: 'Cloud Choice',
          url: '#!',

    await page.evaluate(html => {
      const div = document.createElement('div');
      div.innerHTML = `${html}`;
    }, html);

    const screenshots = [];

    async function isVisible(selector) {
      return await page.evaluate(selector => {
        const e = document.querySelector(selector);
        if (!e) return false;
        const style = window.getComputedStyle(e);
        return style &&
          style.display !== 'none' &&
          style.visibility !== 'hidden' &&
          style.opacity !== '0'
          ? true
          : false;
      }, selector);

    for (const item of viewportSizes) {
      const { height, width, size } = item;
      screenshots[size] = [];

      await page.setViewport({ height, width });
      screenshots[size].default = await page.screenshot();

      if (await isVisible('.c-bolt-nav-priority__show-more')) {
        await page.tap('.c-bolt-nav-priority__button');
        await page.waitFor(500);
        screenshots[size].navOpened = await page.screenshot();
        await page.tap('.c-bolt-nav-priority__button');
        await page.waitFor(500);

How to create external resources test

test('<bolt-image> with ratio object compiles', async () => {
  const results = await render('@bolt-components-image/image.twig', {
    src: '/fixtures/1200x660.jpg',
    alt: 'A Rock Climber',
    lazyload: true,

Note: fixtures folder must be present in the __tests__ folder of your specific component

How to create w/o Shadow DOM test

const buttonNoShadowHTML = `
  <bolt-button no-shadow>
    This is a button

test('Default <bolt-button> w/o Shadow DOM renders', async function() {
  const buttonOuterHTML = await page.evaluate(async buttonNoShadowHTML => {
    const wrapper = document.createElement('div');
    wrapper.innerHTML = buttonNoShadowHTML;

    const button = document.querySelector('bolt-button');
    const allElements = [button];

    return await Promise.all( => {
        if (element._wasInitiallyRendered) return;
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          element.addEventListener('ready', resolve);
          element.addEventListener('error', reject);
    ).then(() => {
      return button.outerHTML;
  }, buttonNoShadowHTML);

  const buttonRenderedHTML = await html(buttonOuterHTML);

How to create with Shadow DOM test

const buttonHTML = `
    Button Test -- Shadow Root HTML

test('Default <bolt-button> with Shadow DOM renders', async function() {
  const buttonShadowRoot = await page.evaluate(async buttonHTML => {
    const wrapper = document.createElement('div');
    wrapper.innerHTML = buttonHTML;

    const button = document.querySelector('bolt-button');
    const allElements = [button];

    return await Promise.all( => {
        if (element._wasInitiallyRendered) return;
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          element.addEventListener('ready', resolve);
          element.addEventListener('error', reject);
    ).then(() => {
      return button.renderRoot.innerHTML;
  }, buttonHTML);

  const renderedShadowRoot = await html(`<div>${buttonShadowRoot}</div>`);


  await page.waitFor(500);
  const image = await page.screenshot();

    failureThreshold: '0.01',
    failureThresholdType: 'percent',

Nightwatch examples

Nightwatch tests are not reusable and must be written for a specific use case. Documentation how to use and create Nightwatch test is here.

How to check if component contains specific class

'Bolt Image zoom': function(browser) {
  const { testingUrl } = browser.globals;
  console.log(`global browser url: ${testingUrl}`);
  currentBrowser = '--' + browser.currentEnv || 'chrome';
  let testName = 'bolt-image-zoom';

    .waitForElementVisible('.c-bolt-image-zoom__overlay-icon', 1000)

How to check if image component renders with specific ratio and is rendered by "_wasInitiallyRendered" property

'Bolt Image image is showed': function(browser) {
  const { testingUrl } = browser.globals;
  console.log(`global browser url: ${testingUrl}`);
  currentBrowser = '--' + browser.currentEnv || 'chrome';
  let testName = 'bolt-image-showed';
  let bodyWidth = 0;

    .waitForElementVisible('body', 1000)
    .getElementSize('body', function(result) {
      bodyWidth = result.value.width;
    .getElementSize('bolt-image', function(result) {
      const imageHeight = Math.round(bodyWidth / 1.3333333333);

      this.assert.equal(result.value.width, bodyWidth);
      this.assert.equal(result.value.height, imageHeight);
      function(data) {
        return document.querySelector('bolt-image')._wasInitiallyRendered;
      function(result) {
          result.value === true,
          `verified the <bolt-image> was rendered via the "_wasInitiallyRendered" property.`,

How to check if component exist, has specific class and contains certain text

'Bolt Blockquote': function(browser) {
  const { testingUrl } = browser.globals;
  console.log(`global browser url: ${testingUrl}`);
  currentBrowser = '--' + browser.currentEnv || 'chrome';
  let testName = 'bolt-blockquote';

    .waitForElementVisible('bolt-blockquote', 1000)
      function(data) {
        const blockquote = document.querySelector('bolt-blockquote');
        return blockquote.renderRoot
      function(result) {
          result.value === true,
          `verified that <bolt-blockquote> rendered the blockquote element with a class of  c-bolt-blockquote.`,
      'bolt-blockquote cite[slot="author-name"]',
      'Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni',

How to check playback rate

'Bolt Video Playback Rate': function(browser) {
  const { testingUrl } = browser.globals;
  console.log(`global browser url: ${testingUrl}`);
  currentBrowser = '--' + browser.currentEnv || 'chrome';
  let testName = 'bolt-video-playback-rate';

    .waitForElementVisible('.video-js', 1000)
    .execute(function(data) {
      return document.querySelector('button.vjs-playback-rate').click();
      function(data) {
        return document.querySelector('bolt-video').player.playbackRate();
      function(result) {
          result.value === 1.25,
          `verified that <bolt-video> play rate has sped up to ${result.value}`,
      function(data) {
        return document.querySelector('.vjs-playback-rate-value').textContent;
      function(result) {
          result.value === '1.25x',
          `verified that <bolt-video> play rate text reads 1.25x.`,