
A content container with drop shadows (temporarily renamed as 'Card Replacement' on Bolt v2.x to avoid naming collisions)

Published Last updated: 3.6.0 Change log Github NPM
Twig Usage
  // Standard card-replacement
{% include "@bolt-components-card-replacement/card-replacement.twig" with {
  media: {
    image: {
      src: "/images/placeholders/landscape-16x9-mountains.jpg",
      alt: "Image alt.",
  body: {
    eyebrow: "This is an eyebrow",
    headline: "This is a headline",
    paragraph: "This is a paragraph.",
  actions: [
      text: "This is a button",
      url: "",
} only %}

// Custom section content
{% include "@bolt-components-card-replacement/card-replacement.twig" with {
  media: {
    content: "Pass custom content to the card-replacement media.",
  body: {
    content: "Pass custom content to the card-replacement body.",
} only %}

// Custom overall content
{% include "@bolt-components-card-replacement/card-replacement.twig" with {
  content: "Pass completely custom content to the card-replacement, without the styles of the card-replacement body.",
} only %}
Note: when assigning component props as HTML attributes on a web component, make sure to use kebab-case.
Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)

A Drupal-style attributes object with extra attributes to append to this component.


HTML tag that contains the card-replacement content.

string article
  • div , article , figure

Displays the card media + body horizontally.


Controls the height of the card-replacement to auto fit to content or the full height of the column in a grid.

string full
  • auto or full

Controls the border-radius of the card-replacement.

string small
  • small or large

Controls the spacing of the card-replacement.

string medium
  • small or medium

Controls the theme of the individual card-replacement.

string none
  • xlight , light , dark , xdark , none

Providing a link will make the whole card-replacement clickable.

    • url

      Address for the link.

    • text

      Visually hidden text for link, included for accessibility.

    • attributes

      A Drupal-style attributes object with extra attributes to append to this component.


Media section of the card-replacement, accepts either image and video, or custom content.


Body section of the card-replacement, accepts pre-configured eyebrow, headline, and paragraph or custom content.

    • eyebrow

      Regular eyebrow.

    • headline

      Headline pre-defined to size large.

    • paragraph

      Regular paragraph of text.

    • content

      Passing free-form content into the card-replacement body will ignore eyebrow, headline, and paragraph data. Use this if the pre-configured eyebrow, headline, and paragraph don't satisfy your needs.


Actions section of the card-replacement, accepts buttons.

    • text
    • url
    • external
    • icon

      Allows user to specify the icon showed on the action button. If no icon is provided in this prop, the default behavior will take place and the icon shown will depend on if the URL is internal or external. Alternatively, providing "none" as the value can show no icon.

    • attributes

      A Drupal-style attributes object with extra attributes to append to this component.


Content will override media, body, and actions props. Use this to build a completely cuztomized card-replacement.

string , array , object
Advanced Schema Options

Manually switch on / off the raised (shadow + animation effect) treament. By default this config option is applied if the card-replacement contains a bolt-card-replacement-link OR includes the url prop.

Install Install
  npm install @bolt/components-card-replacement
Dependencies @bolt/components-background @bolt/components-button @bolt/components-list @bolt/components-teaser @bolt/components-video @bolt/core-v3.x @bolt/lazy-queue wc-context