Basic Usage
The modal container has 3 sections (slots) for passing content, header, default, footer. To pass content to either the header or footer, slot must be defined.
Open Modal
This is the header
This is the body (default).
This is the footer
<bolt-button data-bolt-modal-target=".js-bolt-modal-basic-demo">
Open Modal
<bolt-modal class="js-bolt-modal-basic-demo">
<bolt-text slot="header">This is the header</bolt-text>
<bolt-text>This is the body (default).</bolt-text>
<bolt-text slot="footer">This is the footer</bolt-text>
Advanced Usage
The web component has all the options shown in the schema table. You can define each prop on the <bolt-modal> element. Use unique combinations to customize a modal to your liking.
<bolt-button data-bolt-modal-target=".js-bolt-modal-advanced-demo">
Open Modal
<bolt-modal width="optimal" spacing="none" theme="none" scroll="overall" class="js-bolt-modal-advanced-demo">
<bolt-image src="/images/content/backgrounds/background-robotics-customer-service.jpg" alt="This is an image"></bolt-image>